English translation for "lateral compartment"
- 侧隔间
Related Translations:
lateral: adj.1.横的,侧面的,旁边的;横向的。2.【语音】边音的,旁流的,(舌)边的。短语和例子lateral buds 生在侧面的蓓蕾,旁蕾。 a lateral branch (of a family) 旁系(亲属)。 lateral pressure 【物理学】旁压力。 a lateral root 侧根。 a lateral view 侧面图。n.1.侧部的东西,侧向生
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Then inspect the posterior half of the lateral compartment posterior to the fibular collateral ligament ( fig . 1 - 49 , c ) 然后,探查位于腓侧副韧带后方的关节外侧室的后半部分(图1 49c ) 。 | | 2. | If the posterolateral aspect of the joint is to be exposed , elevate the lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle from the femur and approach the lateral compartment between the tendon of the biceps femoris and the lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle 如要显露关节的后外侧面,可将腓肠肌外侧头从股骨上剥离,于股二头肌腱和腓肠肌外侧头之间进人关节外侧室。 |
- Similar Words:
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